I have used a forum for about 8 years now with include the following rules in the top post of the forum. In total there have been three people banned ever. There is no ignore or blocking function. These rules can work:
These forums are a little different from other online communities, in that they will never be allowed to descend to the depths so common on "teh internets." The rules are simple:
1. Be mindful of your grammar and spelling.
2. Post intelligently
3. Don't be annoying.
Failure to abide by these rules will result in warnings and an eventual banning.
Unless it is relevant to your argument, don't admonish other forum members about their grammar or spelling: our moderators will handle that.
Don't post unless you have something to contribute. Otherwise empty "QFT" posts are considered annoying (see above).
Our moderators can and will correct in red your errors in order to maintain the readability of the forums. There is a spell-checker available, as well as a "Preview Post" button: use them. Repeated violations of the third rule can result in banning via court martial. To date, three people have been banned. If you post intelligently and are an intelligent person, you will have no trouble here. We trust our members to conduct themselves reasonably, and thus don't feel the need to create an extensive code of conduct. It should be obvious to everyone what is and is not appropriate.
by lukeburrage, in response to this post 2015-11-19 19:04:55