On the subject of registration and infopoint (based on 2015), just to dump here before I forget:
After the first day the independent (pre)registration can be closed down, and registration can be taken over by the info point team.
One registration coordinator (of 2 probably) needs to be reachable by phone during normal hours for any problems, clarifying comps, lost consent forms, making judgement calls, etc.
It helps if info point has a dedicated table for dealing with registrations, and each info-point shift will probably have a pair of people who deal only with registrations (although during quieter/busy times this can be flexible).
On the first day, I don't remember what system was done for non-prereg registrations, I believe that in the registration pen in the corner of the main field there were about 5-8 desks, with only 1 or 2 desks dealing with payment, and the rest purely for pre-reg pickups. I assume the cash handlers were a subset of the volunteers, trained separately?
The advantage of the pen system was that you could have one or two people at the exit checking on people's wristbands rather than needing to do this at each desk which improved the turnover per registration staff.
Of course an EJC with 1000 people can afford to be more relaxed (and trade away some efficiency) than an EJC with 4000 or 6000 people.
Post by ^Tom_