Interesting that you should say rola-bola plus a club balance is relatively easy. It’s something I’ve consistently struggled with and was wondering how easy it actually was. I’ve only ever seen Tiff do it solidly (+5 balls) so assumed it was fairly difficult.
Admittedly I’ve not spent long on it but when I practice I find balances beyond 10 seconds or so tricky, so I’d be mighty impressed with a run long enough for Ethan’s 800 throws. My rola-bola skills aren’t amazing but I can hold a solid 5b cascade on there and I work on balance a lot. Should this be something I can do already? Wonder why I find it so tricky…..
On the subject of Ethan’s records, I’d actually love that they were all genuine as I love watching boundaries in juggling being pushed. They do seem inconsistent though – 3b reverse record (video posted and WR celebrated greatly) vs 9b reverse record (videoed but no video posted and no celebration of WR) seems especially odd. Please Ethan upload some of the exceptional runs you’re recording here and prove us doubters wrong :)
Post by PipJim