I feel adressed ("Germany"), but afraid, I can't help much.
I'm also afraid (but not sure what you mean), that "free education for foreigners" applies to refugees and asylum seeking persons, not to immigrants.
Wishing to do similar ("teach / juggling school"), I scanned the web for what offers there are .. here's an example from Berlin (aside Munich a german stronghold, dense with jugglers), even in english version:
Berlin (team): http://www.active2.eu/active2_english.html
Another one man offer with english version:
Even without understanding german, you can see and guess from the pics and from international words ("show, workshop, Trainer, Minuten, Manager, .. " a.s.o.) of what's being offered and get an impression, that few, but there is schools and courses being offered (with or without show) and see some prizes in the german only examples:
Schools, clubs, groups, teams:
Munich (team): http://www.jonglierkurs.de/teilnehmer/kursinhalt/jonglieren/
Konstanz, clown-school + juggling: http://www.tamala-center.de/startseite.html
One man offers:
(german "juggling for success TM" Dave Finnigan -clone): http://www.jonglierenlernen.de/
Frankfurt, workshops: http://advanced-juggling.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=38&Itemid=61
Stuttgart, southwest germany: http://jongleur.in/jongleur-wolframott-kontakt.html
Maybe you can even contact Berlin or Munich, or that clown-school and find out if collaboration is possible.
Post by 7b_wizard