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Post by 7b_wizard


Very long article .. just flew over it briefly. Also, I know few about circus other than what gets shown on TV and very few live visits. I'm every year especially keen on watching the Monte Carlo Festival.
Still, I read mainly about what Bauke Lievens wants circus to be, sort of reaching out for what circus is meant to be in the future, maybe circus philosophy, but not a word of they who it's done for: the visitors, the audience. And that is mainly families with their kids. And they do it in a row with going to the zoo, to a fairy, to a christmas or mideval market, to public soccer viewing, to riding ponies, and what all undertakings there is to provide kids with input they like.
Circus trying to (re)find itself can't go without asking: What do we want to offer? And: Why and to whom? Instead: What do I (or: we) want it to be, want it to convey, which elaborated development to take etc.
The article reminds me of young artists, painters, musicians still finding themselves, maybe wondering why no one cares for what they're doing, in any case not doing their art for someone (audience, customer), but only in search of the best way to express themselves. Express what and why? And for the sake of the (they think) best or highest possible or the very art itself only.
But maybe I missed a meta level taking kids and families as audience for granted.

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by 7b_wizard, in response to this post 2015-12-14 13:36:31

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